Friday, 22 January 2010

today my friends and i were discussing about chinese essays because i have a prof called xiaoming..
一个风和日丽的早晨,小明踏着轻快的脚步。。。and my friend said last time he had a friend who wrote a fantastic essay... BUT he had alot of words written wrongly.. or rather they're all the same word.. it's the name 小滕!! omg.. and then another friend asked what if there is another character? so i replied 小明一,小明二 lor.. my friend exclaimed that i started thinking math in my brain since soo many years ago, no wonder in math course.. usually can use all the colors to make names; 小红,小黄, 小蓝, 小黑, 小白。。。 and my friend's teacher insisted 小黑 sounds like dog.. and “小白!你在哪里?” some random talks...

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