Thursday, 21 January 2010

Central South, Our Land

hmm.. last week had the great news.. PK officially announced we had our land!! woo.. why are we so excited?? i had some thoughts running through my mind.. many of us had given sacrificially.. prayed soo much and served so much.. i guess it really felt like OUR land, OUR building.. and as PK shared the news.. i was touched and i was reminded of my many visions that i used to have.. many unfulfilled visions.. it was so vivid i'm gonna put them inside my goals for this year!! it's time to rise up and do much more things.. and i think PK is sooo good at preaching.. when people told me about the news beforehand, it was like ooh cool.. but how PK build up the climax to share the news, i really felt soo sooo much moree excited.. it's really the art of preaching..

saw the news on strait times(online), and sooo many people are commenting about it.. good and not so good.. and those people who post those not so good comments really showed how ignorant and immature they are.. but on a good side.. it caused a great discussion in sg!! although 310million is not a small sum, but i'll pray and pray and believe that we will raise the money even before the time is up..

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