Monday, 25 January 2010

What a way to start the day having your nose blocked and feeling so difficult to breathe. Thus I decided to skip the morning tutorial to rest a little bit more at home before going to my afternoon lecture at 1530. Thank God I was better and my nose is slightly cleared so I could breathe more comfortably. Then again, felt quite bad that I had to miss my tutorial since one of my goals is to STUDY HARD for this sem!

hmm.. I realised that after finishing GP in JC, I'm kind of lazy to write in proper English, getting done and over with I guess. This is bad man! Just like how i get over and done with Chinese after finishing higher chinese in high school. And my chinese seems to 退步了! I better start using them properly all over again!

p.s I had a verse in mind, but I forgot when I wanted to post it! OH! I remember now!.

Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

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